Resident financial amenities: Top CEOs discuss trends
Proptech leaders share strategies and trends of resident financial amenities in multifamily housing.
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Proptech leaders share strategies and trends of resident financial amenities in multifamily housing.
Put the time you spent filling vacancies into your differentiation and retention strategies.
Explore how supporting your residents’ financial health helps them and boosts your NOI.
How to maintain asset protection and help residents protect their money while avoiding risk and fines.
Why you don’t necessarily need a security deposit alternative to make things easier for you and your residents.
Roost CEO Chanin balance shares why renters need better ways to access their money and overcome an emergency.
Deposit automation can help you comply with RCW 59.18.610 while maintaining asset protection.
Ten simple ways to improve security deposit transparency, differentiate your property, and get better reviews online.
Why avoiding Washington’s installment plan requirement puts your property at risk, increases costs.
Step by step how it works (2 min)