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11 Tips for moving with your cat or dog

If you’re getting ready to move, that means your pets are moving, too. And just like their human counterparts, your cat, dog, or iguana may be feeling stressed about all the packing and sorting and upcoming change. (You can imagine their thoughts: Where’s my bed going? Is the neighbor dog friendly? Are you leaving me?) Fortunately, we’ve got some moving tips that can help you and your pet enjoy a stress-free transition and avoid common anxiety behavior like hiding, pacing, and excessive barking or meowing.

1. Keep your pet away from the moving action

When you’re moving with pets, one of the best things you can do is keep them away from all the flurry. Put your cat or dog in one room and close the door. Send your pup to her favorite doggie daycare or for a daylong playdate with a friend.

If you can’t or don’t want to do this, put her in a kennel with her favorite toy and blanket in a quiet, empty room.

Consider leaving the kennel door open so your dog or kitty can access water, food, litter box, and hide in her kennel when she wants. Lock the room door or leave a note informing everyone, movers and kids alike, to stay out to avoid any accidental escapes.

Check on your pet often to reassure her that things are a-okay, you haven’t forgotten her, and of course, to ensure that doggos gets out for a bathroom break.

2. Move the apartment before you move your pet

Save moving your pets until the very end. Being stuck in an empty room in a home you’re familiar with is stressful. But being stuck in a room alone at a completely new apartment is even worse. Once you’ve moved your pet, stick close to her for the rest of the day.

Roost Tip! Leaving all the water, toys, and treats in the world is no replacement for the warm ray of sunshine you provide so check in on her often during a move.

3. Let your pet ride along with you the day of the move

Put your cat or dog in a carrier and personally drive her over. You can strap the carrier into a seat belt for safety. There are also special seat belt harnesses, especially for dogs if you don’t have a carrier.

If your pet is in a carrier, consider throwing a blanket over it. This will keep out sights and sounds that might be scary.

4. Prepare an overnight kit for your pet’s new home

Moving can feel like chaos. (What are we saying? It is chaos.) Make sure you have a pet kit all ready to go with their food, water dishes, toys, blankets, beds, litter, scratching post, leash, poo bags, and a favorite photo of the two of you.

When you arrive at your new digs after a long day of moving, you won’t be searching through an endless sea of cardboard boxes looking for your pet’s essentials.

5. Prepare a quiet room for your pet in your new apartment

Just like at the old place, you’ll want to have a pets-only room where she can chill until she’s more settled. Try to unpack as much as possible in this room and place familiar things—her stuff, your stuff—so it feels more homey and familiar.

Confine them to their kennel for at least the first couple of hours and then graduate to letting them loose in the room. Cats especially should be kept in one quiet room for a day or two while you unpack and get the rest of your new home put together.

For dogs, wait until the movers are gone, and you have time to devote to giving her the five-star tour. Walk her through the apartment and have some treats ready to reward her as she meets her new home.

Ensure that her favorite bed or kennel is always accessible, so she has a place to retreat to when she needs to. 

6. Make some time for play, love, and attention

Remember to stop and give your dog or cat (or iguana, let’s not forget the iguana) some extra attention, treats, and love during each step of the moving process. A little bit of reassurance from you will go a long way to making her know that things are ok. 

Take your dog out for walks and play fetch with her. Tired dogs are happy dogs. Have plenty of treats on hand and chew toys like a Kong with peanut butter to help channel some of her nervous energy into.

Try to avoid raising your voice or hollering loudly (we humans get stressed too!) because that could lead to barking or other stress behaviors from your pooch. With her world in upheaval, she may think she needs to control her pack, leading to barking and other bossy, undesirable dog behaviors.

7. Update your pet’s tags or microchip info

Contact your county’s pet licensing department to notify them of your new address. If you moved to a new county altogether, you would need to get a new license or ask if you can simply transfer the license to the new county.

Get new tags with your new address and phone number and update her microchip with whatever registry she is registered with. There is a national pet chip registry, too, that you can consider using.

8. Identify your pet’s new vet before you move

In the event of an emergency, know exactly where to take your pet. Contact your old vet and have them transfer all her records ahead of time as well. This is a good time to make sure that all her shots are up to date too!

9. Stick to your pet’s schedule during your move

As much as possible, stick to the feeding, walking, playing routine. Setting a pet alarm on your phone can be helpful to remind you when it’s time for a walk, brush, or treat. 

Roost Tip! Consider designating one person to be in charge of your pet’s schedule for the day, so there’s no arguing about who was supposed to do what.

10. Make sure to know the pet policy of your apartment

This should go without saying, but just in case, don’t try to sneak any pets into an apartment that doesn’t allow pets. When your landlord discovers that you have an illegal pet (and they always figure it out eventually), you may be forced to move, pay expensive fines, or make the difficult decision of whether or not to rehome your pet.

Many apartments ask for a picture of your pet, along with their name and breed type, so if they enter your apartment, no one is surprised by an unregistered pet. It is also common for landlords to ask for proof of rabies vaccination.

Some other common rules in pet-friendly apartment properties are:

  • Designated dog areas
  • Have your dog on a leash at all times
  • No dogs in pool or spa areas
  • Pick up after your dog
  • Indoor cats only

11. Settle your dog or cat in after your move

Getting your BFF beastie settled and happy is not only good for you but good for your wallet. Happy pets are well-behaved pets that don’t destroy apartment furnishings, carpets, and relationships with your neighbors.

If you’re following our lead on this one, then you know we are talking about getting your security deposit back AND your pet deposit back when you move out someday. 

These last nuggets of pet wisdom are all about making your furry pal’s long-term relationship with your new apartment a happy and lasting one. 

  • Set up your pet’s castle in the new kingdom with their kennel, water, food, bedding, toys, and whatever they need to help them feel at home.
  • Make sure kitty knows where the cat box is and has constant access to it.
  • Once things have quieted down, give them room to wander when you have time to keep an eye on them.
  • Be extra careful going in and out the front door for the first week or two to make sure there are no escape attempts.
  • If your cat will be going outside, it is recommended to wait at least three weeks before letting them out.
  • Have someone be at home as much as possible for at least two weeks after your move.

Is moving stressful for my pet?

Yes, moving is stressful for your pet — and as much as we wish we could sit them down and talk to them about what’s happening, and some of us still try, they don’t understand. The best you can do is keep them safe, comfortable, and loved.

Signs of moving anxiety in your dog or cat

  • Hiding or cowering
  • Barking or meowing excessively
  • Not eating or drinking water
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Pacing or shaking
  • Urinating or defecating in inappropriate places
  • Chewing, digging, or scratching
  • Escaping

Moving pets long distances 

Check local pet laws and regulations 

If you are moving to a new state, check into their laws and regulations about bringing your pet with you — vaccinations, breed types, licensing, HOA rules — are all things to consider. 

Schedule a vet visit 

A local veterinarian will be the perfect resource to find about local regulations.

Flying with your pet 

Research your airline’s pet policies rigorously to make sure there are no surprises in the airport. Many airlines allow small pets to fly in the cabin with you as long as the carrier is small enough to fit under the seat. 

For pets flying in cargo, ensure carriers are safe, secure, and well-labeled with your phone number. Also include blankets, a favorite toy, and water to keep her comfortable. 

Long-distance drive with your pet

Be well stocked with all your pet’s supplies, including water, food, leash, carrier etc., call ahead to hotels to make sure they have pet rooms, allow for bathroom breaks, and never leave your baby alone in the car.

Pet moving services

Some companies specialize in moving your pet if you are unable to do it personally. The best companies offer veterinarian services, temperature-controlled cargo areas, grooming, exercise, and apps that allow you to track your pet’s whereabouts and see a live video feed of them.

Moving with pets can be done

Moving with pets can be stressful for humans and pets alike. But with careful planning, you can minimize your pet’s anxiety during this big transition, and y’all will be chillin’ in your new digs like you’ve lived there forever before you know it.

A quick note! Our goal is to gather and share info that’s up-to-date and helps you make great decisions as a renter. That said, the information you get directly from a provider could be a little different. Make sure to review their terms and conditions directly; and, if you see anything here that needs to be updated, please let us know! Advertising disclosure
Last Updated: August 6th, 2024