Roost Brief

Minimizing Unclaimed Property

Unclaimed property, such as uncashed security deposit refund checks, is a growing concern for property owners and managers. When not managed properly, it can lead to late fees, fines, and dissatisfied residents. This brief explores effective strategies to reduce uncashed security deposit checks and manage unclaimed property more efficiently.

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Ten to twenty percent of security deposit refund checks are returned or left uncashed. This places ongoing burden on property accounting teams to reissue checks and/or to meet unclaimed property requirements. Learn how .

In our free brief, Minimizing Unclaimed Property: Strategies for uncashed security deposit refunds, we’ll show you how a security deposit automation solution can help:

  • Refund payables automation can dramatically decrease the time and cost associated with uncashed refund checks
  • Dramatically reduced the number of uncashed checks
  • Offer electronic refunds to cut down on the number of checks being written
  • Decrease the amount of employee time spent re-issuing checks
  • Cut down on fraud and liability issues
  • Reduce time spent trying to comply with unclaimed property laws

> Get a free security deposit management demo today!

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<h3>In our free brief, Minimizing Unclaimed Property: Strategies for uncashed security deposit refunds, we’ll show you how a security deposit automation solution can help. You’ll learn how your business can:  </h3>
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<ul><li>Refund payables automation can dramatically decrease the time and cost associated with uncashed refund checks</li><li>Dramatically reduced the number of uncashed checks</li><li>Offer electronic refunds to cut down on the number of checks being written</li><li>Decrease the amount of employee time spent re-issuing checks</li><li>Cut down on fraud and liability issues</li><li>Reduce time spent trying to comply with unclaimed property laws</li></ul>
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