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Compare car insurance quotes

How to compare free online car insurance quotes

Enter your zip code to see how much you can save.

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(Psssst! Roost partners with Insurify and over 200 insurance companies to help find you the best quote. And, your state’s minimum car insurance requirements are pre-loaded into the options. Check it out!)

Need cheaper car insurance?

How to compare car insurance quotes

You heard somewhere that you should compare auto insurance quotes every two years. Maybe you’re moving to a new place and realize you’ll need a new insurance provider. Nice work thinking ahead. Let’s get you prepared so you can zip in and out of this process as fast as possible.

1. Gather your information

Before you compare car insurance quotes, you’ll need to gather essential info, including details about your car and you.

  • Vehicle details – Mileage, date of purchase, VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). If you are thinking about purchasing a car, snag the make, model, year, and mileage.
  • Personal information – Address, date of birth, driver’s license, marital status, and occupation.
  • Driving history – Violations, tickets, and completed driving courses.

2. Choose your level of car insurance

How much car insurance do you need to protect you, your passengers, and your car? There are three primary types of coverage offered by most car insurance providers: liability, collision, and comprehensive.

Liability. Liability insurance covers damages and costs you caused to another person or their vehicle due to an accident, like medical expenses or auto repairs. Typically, auto insurance providers talk about liability coverage in terms of “250/500/250”. This means:

  • $250,000 of coverage for bodily injury (per person)
  • $500,000 of coverage for bodily injury (per accident)
  • $250,000 of coverage for property damage (per accident)

Collision coverage. No matter who is at fault, collision coverage pays to repair or replace your car if you’re in an accident with another vehicle or you run into something.

Comprehensive coverage. Whether it’s theft or damage from a fire, a storm, a natural disaster, or even a tree limb falling on your car, comprehensive coverage will pay to replace or repair your car as long as the damage isn’t due to a collision.

Extended coverage. Includes medical expense coverage, personal injury protection, guaranteed auto protection, and uninsured motorists. 

3. Use a car insurance calculator to compare online auto insurance quotes

A car insurance calculator like this one from Insurify makes it easy to compare online auto insurance quotes. You provide the details about your car and level of coverage you are interested in, for example:

And Insurify does the rest by providing you with multiple quotes based on the information you provided.

4. Ask for personalized driver discounts

Car insurance companies are often running deals and discounts so be sure to ask them about any promotions or offers that might convince you to go with them. Check out our comprehensive list of car insurance premium discounts to help you request and review the most affordable options.

Enter your zip code to see how much you can save.

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(Psssst! Roost partners with Insurify and over 200 insurance companies to help find you the best quote. And, your state’s minimum car insurance requirements are pre-loaded into the options. Check it out!)

(Psssst! Roost partners with Insurify and over 200 insurance companies to help you find the best quote. And, your state’s minimum car insurance requirements are pre-loaded into the options. Check it out!)

Factors that influence your car insurance quote

Auto insurance companies assess several risk factors when determining your policy quote. This helps them determine how likely you are to get in an accident or filing any number of auto-related claims (like someone trying to steal your car).

Where you live

Where you live and drive influences your car insurance premium because it indicates risks related to crime, population density, and weather. If you live in a zip code with a high accident rate, for instance, premiums will be higher.

Driving record

No surprise here — safe drivers are rewarded with a lower insurance premium. Avoid speeding and stay out of accidents, and you’ll save 5% or more on your premium. Most companies will further reduce your rate every time you go three years without a traffic violation. (Go slooowwwwer.) 

Your car

The car you drive has a huge impact on your auto insurance premium. Might seem a little crazy, but the make and model indicate your likelihood of accidents, theft, and claims. (Insurance companies have oodles and oodles of data that on this kind of stuff.) Even the average cost of repairs and safety test results are calculated into your insurance quote. 


Generally speaking, car insurance gets cheaper the older you get and the more experience you have until you’re over 70. 

Average monthly car insurance rates by age

Source: Insurify

Your home

Bad news for renters — car insurance premiums are more expensive when your rent than when you own a home. Statistically, renters are more accident-prone (dang it!). 

Marital status

Singles pay more. Research shows you have fewer car accidents if you are married. Car insurance quotes presented to married drivers on Insurify were about $14 less than those for single drivers. 

Need cheaper car insurance?

Average monthly car insurance rates by state

Even if you have a clean driving record, your auto insurance rates can increase depending on where you live.  Here’s a table of average monthly car insurance by state. (South Dakota and Wyoming share the prize for the lowest rates.)

StateMonthly premiumAnnual premium
Alabama car insurance$54$648
Alaska car insurance$36$432
Arizona car insurance$67$804
California car insurance$86$1,032
Colorado car insurance$60$720
Connecticut car insurance$91$1,092
Delaware car insurance$85$1,020
DC car insurance$75$900
Florida car insurance$130$1,560
Georgia car insurance$72$864
Hawaii car insurance$55$660
Idaho car insurance$41$492
Illinois car insurance$58$696
Indiana car insurance$38$456
Iowa car insurance$32$384
Kansas car insurance$52$624
Kentucky car insurance$126$1,518
Louisiana car insurance$140$1,686
Maine car insurance$42$504
Maryland car insurance$82$984
Massachusetts car insurance$73$876
Michigan car insurance$208$2498
Minnesota car insurance$83$996
Mississippi car insurance$52$624
Missouri car insurance$62$744
Montana car insurance$49$588
Nebraska car insurance$41$492
Nevada car insurance$130$1559
New Hampshire car insurance$42$504
New Jersey car insurance$109$1,308
New Mexico car insurance$57$684
New York car insurance$94$1,128
North Carolina car insurance$57$684
North Dakota car insurance$37$444
Ohio car insurance$43$516
Oklahoma car insurance$58$696
Oregon car insurance$76$912
Pennsylvania car insurance$49$588
Rhode Island car insurance$114$1,368
South Carolina car insurance$61$732
South Dakota car insurance$28$336
Tennessee car insurance$52$624
Texas car insurance$66$792
Utah car insurance$80$960
Vermont car insurance$37$444
Virginia car insurance$46$552
Washington car insurance$58$696
West Virginia car insurance$50$600
Wisconsin car insurance$43$516
Wyoming car insurance$28$336
National average renters insurance$67$803
Source: Insurify 2019

Compare car insurance quotes from top insurance providers

See all 200+ national and regional auto insurance companies here

Enter your zip code to see how much you can save.

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(Psssst! Roost partners with Insurify and over 200 insurance companies to help find you the best quote. And, your state’s minimum car insurance requirements are pre-loaded into the options. Check it out!)

Compare car insurance quotes in your state.

  • Arizona Car Insurance
  • California Car Insurance
  • Colorado Car Insurance
  • Florida Car Insurance
  • Georgia Car Insurance
  • Illinois Car Insurance
  • Maryland Car Insurance
  • Massachusetts Car Insurance
  • Michigan Car Insurance
  • Minnesota Car Insurance
  • North Carolina Car Insurance
  • New York Car Insurance
  • Nevada Car Insurance
  • Ohio Car Insurance
  • Oregon Car Insurance
  • Pennsylvania Car Insurance
  • Texas Car Insurance
  • Utah Car Insurance
  • Washington Car Insurance
  • Wisconsin Car Insurance
A quick note! Our goal is to gather and share info that’s up-to-date and helps you make great decisions as a renter. That said, the information you get directly from a provider could be a little different. Make sure to review their terms and conditions directly; and, if you see anything here that needs to be updated, please let us know! Advertising disclosure
Last Updated: October 6th, 2022