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9 money podcasts for everyone

When it comes to managing your money, there are lots (and lots!) of ways to do it. There are also lots (and lots!) of experts out there who can provide helpful guidance, lessons learned, and insider tips. We’ve pulled together our favorite money podcasts on a variety of topics—including reducing debt, home buying, even achieving FIRE (financial independence / retire early)—to help you get ahead. Whether you listen at regular speed or triple, these 9 podcasts are totally money.

1. Money podcast on credit building and repair

If you want to understand how credit works (building, history, repairing, scoring), The 800 Credit Score Man Show is worth a listen. It’s been a bit since any new episodes have been released, but from “How to repair your credit score” to “How Will Consolidating Debt Impact My Credit Scores?’, the bulk of the content still stands. A few reviewers tired of the host’s personal callouts but still appreciated the content—”This has been a great podcast for info on credit! It’s been a lot of help…. only thing that I don’t like is too many shoutouts…. other than that, it’s great.”

Working on your credit?

2. Practical answers to common money questions

The Dave Ramsey show features (unsurprisingly) Dave Ramsey, a personal finance guru and advocate of the debt snowball method. In his show, Dave and his co-hosts help callers learn how to get out of debt and start building for the future. Says one listener, “I feel like Dave is the wise uncle I wished I always had. Just practical advice on how to not be a dumb adult.” This money podcast’s 180 (and growing) episodes feature everything from “How much car can I afford?” to “Setting financial boundaries” to “We have no idea where our money is going”. 

3. Money podcasts to earn extra money with a side hustle

The Side Hustle Show shares creative ways to make extra money online and offline. Host Nick Loper and guests provide business ideas, passive income strategies, and actionable tips on how to start and grow a side hustle. Show topics range from “The Backyard Nursery Side Hustle” to “Building An Online Business from Scratch”. One listener says: This podcast is amazing! If you’re needing inspiration to start your side hustle or change it into your main income, this podcast gives you all the confidence you need! 

4. Homebuying from prep to purchase

If you rent now but want to buy a home in the future, now’s the time to get your ducks in a row. Laura Moreno hosts The First Time Home Buyer Podcast and shares information and tools to help you navigate what’s to come. Episodes include “The truth about private mortgage insurance”, “How to access (your) billions of dollars in down payment assistance”, and “How to outsmart cash buyers”. Says one listener, “I’m planning on buying my first house in a year or so. So glad I came across this show!”

5. Debt-free advice from a dad (but not just for dads)

The Debt-Free Dad money podcast shares tips, tricks and life lessons that have helped thousands of people save up and pay off millions of dollars in debt. According to one listener, the show features interviews with “people that have completely different backgrounds than the hosts may have, so you can see how these financial tips effect all aspects of someone’s life.” With nearly 150 episodes, you can listen in to explore everything from “Six misconceptions about debt freedom” to “Why Emergency Funds Are The Key To Eliminating Debt”.

See if you qualify for a debt consolidation loan

6. Kids, marriage & money, oh my!

The “Marriage, Kids and Money” podcast is primarily for parents with children, and its host (Andy Hill) aims to help “families improve their financial wellness and create a life of true wealth and happiness”. This podcast casts a wide net and features topics including renting vs buying, divorcing without losing your kids and money, and advice for college students. Says one listener, “Andy does a great job keeping things simple and impactful. He always keeps family in mind and the impacts your financial decisions have on you, your family and your future.”

7. Financial Independence / Retire Early (FIRE)

While not as prolific as some other podcasters, the Mad Fientist’s Financial Independence Podcast explores how to achieve financial independence and retire early. Episodes cover everything from investing to tax avoidance to travel hacking and featured guests have included Mr. Money Mustache, Ramit Sethi, and JL Collins. Says one listener, “Stumbled on Madfientist while trying to drown out bad radio at work. The varied approach from the guests to reach their financial independence is refreshing and laid out simply. The most down to earth financial plan outlines I have ever heard.” 

8. Timely & situation-specific advice from money nerds

The Smart Money podcast (from NerdWallet) covers a wide range of timely, substantive, and sometimes pretty specific topics. A few of our faves: “Booking a Dream Disney Vacation for Cheap”, “What the Heck is Crypto, Anyway”, and “Queer Money Talk”. One reviewer shared that the show provides “Well thought out and measured responses to people’s money questions, and additional discussions related to current economic situations. Some discussions are directly related to my current situation. Most aren’t, but give me great food for thought for my future financial needs.”

9. Money podcasts for investing for beginners

Looking to grow your money, not just save it? The Investing for Beginners Podcast breaks it all down. The hosts help make the complicated stock market more understandable and simple. I’ve learned so much!” said one listener. “Your ability [to] explain things is phenomenal you talk with us not down to us you’re humble and intelligent with a dash of humor.” With nearly 300 episodes, you get both an overview of what everyone should know with deep dives on specific topics like “How to start valuing companies” to “Eight common beginner mistakes”.

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Last Updated: January 9th, 2023