Join Roost’s legal directory

We have tenants with legitimate concerns. You have the legal expertise they need. We’ll pair you up.

Sign Up Now

Reach local renters in your community

Habitability, harassment, slip and fall, wrongful evictions, and discrimination cases

Free listing


Listing in Roost’s Renters Rights section in your location/state

Optional “free consultation” link to increase leads

Sign Up Now

Pro listing

$99 month

Billed annually.

Everything in our Free plan, plus:

First-page listing to increase visibility and conversion

Custom description (up to 65 characters) to differentiate your practice

Link to your blog feed

Sign Up Now

Premium listing

$225 month

Billed annually.

Everything in our Pro plan, plus:

Editorial inclusion in topic-specific Roost blog

Custom ad display on a topic-specific page

Inclusion in Roost’s top tenant attorney annual list

Sign Up Now

Roost is the #1 resource for renters.

Advertising that actually works


Save time and money ensuring you get leads, in your location.


Reduce inquiries that do not warrant a case. Roost provides content and education to help renters evaluate whether a case is worth their time and yours.

Improved Search Results

Improve Google search ranking results for your firm.

How it works

  1. Select your plan
  2. Add your listing information
  3. Confirm and pay (if a premium plan)
  4. Your listing appears at the top of the list column for renters rights in your state with featured label, website contact, and email contact link.
Select a Plan

Sample Listing:


With Roost I get higher quality leads than other sites. And, I waste less time talking with renters who are not serious or do not have a case.


Frequently asked questions

What is Roost?

Roost is a handy resource for renters, designed to share information, tools, and products that help Renters make informed decisions, protect their stuff, and save money. Roost also connects Renters with others who might be experiencing something similar and have a few hints or tips to share.

Where will my listings be promoted?

On the renters rights section of Roost’s website, specifically the zip code or state most relevant.

What results can I expect?

Roost’s renter and demographic focus deliver high-quality lead at a fraction of alternative advertising methods — saving you both time and money. The number per month will vary based on your plan, renter interest and promotional tactics.

Is there a time commitment?

We offer 12-month agreements but you can change or remove your account at any time. Contact if you have additional questions.