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How to eliminate

uncashed refund

checks in 90 days

Refund Automation

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Why aren’t refund checks cashed? Discover the top 7 reasons here.

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Five ways to decrease uncashed refund checks

Offer multiple refund payment options

Including instant refunds, Google/Apple Wallet, and ACH transfers. Pro Tip: Ensure legal consent from renters.

Enabled refund splits

Refund checks made out to multiple leaseholders are hard to cash. Enable residents to divvy up their refund as they like.

Automate forwarding address reminders

Adding text and email reminders significantly increases the rate of forwarding address submission.

Automate reminders to cash refund checks

Sometimes residents need a nudge in the shuffle and hassle of moving. 

Enable online refund check replacements

So former residents can self-serve. Make sure to incorporate identity verification, and automated check cancellation and positive pay for security.

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