Our mission
To help renters and properties
make progress together.
Our story
Like many young companies, the founding of Roost was inspired in part by personal experience.
As renters, we signed leases without fully comprehending their terms. We didn’t understand how to get our full security deposit back. We wrestled with increasing living expenses that left little room to set aside any savings.
As landlords, we hated charging residents for damages they could have avoided. And keeping track of all the regulations was stressful—not just because they constantly change, but because we wanted to uphold them for the sake of our tenants.
So we decided to fix it. That means sharing easy-to-understand information at a time when people can act on it. It means improving transparency so properties and residents are on the same page throughout the lease. It also means replacing manual rental processes with modern products that are designed for the way we live (er, rent) today.
Here’s to a life well-rented.

What we’re building
From an automated deposit management platform to financial wellness for renters, we build products that are good for properties and for people. (Wanna build with us? See our current openings.)
What we believe
- Being a decent human being comes first.
- Smart product design moves mountains.
- Everyone deserves to make progress.
- People success leads to business success.
- Hard work, grit and perseverance wins (okay, and a little luck too!).