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Free roommate agreement contract

Hello there! This roommate agreement template is intended to help everyone, enjoy the best possible living situation together. From heating costs to moving out early, getting clear about expectations and responsibilities ahead of time prevents confusion and conflicts down the road. Good luck! – Roost

Customize your own roommate agreement from our FREE roommate template

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Roommate Agreement  

  1. This roommate agreement, which we’ll now refer to as the “Agreement,” is a legal contract that outlines the terms and liabilities of everyone living at the following address: __________________________________, signed on the ____ day of _____________, 
  1. Parties and Property. This agreement is between everyone listed below, aka “the roommates.” 




The street address of the property is: ________________________________________________________________

  1. Term. This agreement starts on moving in on  __{date}____ and ends on _{date}______. 
  1. Security deposit

The security deposit for the apartment/house/rental is $______________________

Each roommate is responsible for the following amount:

_________________________________________ $_________

_________________________________________ $_________

_________________________________________ $_________

Each roommate accepts responsibility for damages that they, their guests or pets cause in the bedrooms and common areas. At the end of the lease, or when someone moves out, their portion of the security deposit, minus fees held back by the landlord, will be returned to them within ________ days.

  1. Rent

Total rent is $___________________________, which is due on the ___________ of each month.  Everyone understands that the landlord can evict all tenants if the rent is not received on time. 

Each roommate is responsible for the following amount each month:

_________________________________________: $_________

_________________________________________: $_________

_________________________________________: $_________

Paid to [property name/address/website/instructions here]


  1. Utilities

Each roommate will pay an equal share of utilities, including heat, water, electricity, and internet/cable. ____________________________ will be responsible for paying the providers within five days of receiving the bills. Each other roommate will pay their share within three days of receiving the bill. 

  1. Moving out

Any roommate who decides to leave before the end of the lease will let their other roommates know at least _______ days prior to their intended departure. The roommate will take all reasonable steps to find a replacement roommate who is acceptable to the other roommates. Otherwise, they may still be responsible for their portion of the rent through the end of the lease.

  1. Pets

Any new pets will require the unanimous agreement of all roommates, and of course, are subject to whatever is listed in the lease agreement with your landlord. 

  1. Privacy

Each roommate agrees to respect the privacy of others, including personal, electronic, and all other forms.

  • Quiet hours: Roommates will honor quiet hours between _______ (AM/PM) and ______ (AM/PM)
  • Cleaning: Each roommate is responsible for cleaning their own bedroom. Cleaning of common areas will be shared by all roommates and performed ______. This will include dusting, mopping, vacuuming, the cleaning of bathrooms and all other necessary cleaning.
  • Chores: Additional chores, aside from cleaning, will be shared by all roommates equally and performed on a regular basis.
  • Guests: All roommates agree to one of the following:

____ All roommates are fine with overnight guests staying any night.

____ Overnight guests are allowed to stay for ____ nights per month

____ Overnight guests are not allowed

  1. Food sharing

The following items are considered fair game for all roommates. Roommates will take turns restocking these items:


All other items will be bought and consumed by individual roommates, unless they give sharing permission to the other roommates. 

  1. Temperature

The temperature of the apartment will be set to ____º in the summer and ____º in the winter. Changes above or below this temperature will be agreed upon by all roommates.

  1. Conflict and governing law

Conflicts between or among roommates not covered by the above will be handled via conversation and compromise.  Any conflicts that cannot be resolved are governed in accordance with the laws of the State and city of the properties location. 

  1. Authorization

___________________________________Name __________________________________________ Signature  &  Date

___________________________________Name __________________________________________ Signature  &  Date

___________________________________Name __________________________________________ Signature  &  Date

This agreement does not supersede the master rental agreement and the landlord/property is not a party to this agreement.   

Last Updated: October 29th, 2021